Switching Jobs in Japan for Foreigners - Interview by TenshokuDo

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Changing jobs in Japan for a foreigner can be really challenging, especially if it’s your first time. To get a better understanding of that whole process, our friends at TenshokuDo, a website providing information about the Japanese job market, interviewed six foreigners working in Tokyo about what it takes to switch jobs in Japan.

They talk about how they went from their first job here to finding a new job, working remotely, co-founding a company, and working freelance. Find out about the application and hiring process they went through, their Japanese-language ability, and advice they have for others looking to switch jobs in Japan.

Read the whole interview here.


Wahl+Case Senior Community Associate Sam commented the interviews. She provided additional advice and shared her extensive industry insights.

If you are currently considering a job change, simply connect with her on LinkedIn and she will be happy to help.