Future Proof Your Career - Skills to Stay Relevant

Webinar with Dynamic Yield

We are facing unprecedented times. The current phenomenon of COVID 19 has only highlighted the existing need for automation which was already accelerated by a declining population in Japan. There has never been a better time to make the shift to digital.

But where do you start?

What skills are needed to future proof your career?

We invited Evan Burkosky, country manager of AI Personalization platform Dynamic Yield, to learn the things you can do now to help ensure that you will find success for the next 10 - 20 years of innovations in AI, Machine Learning and Automation.

Watch the recording of our webinar now.


  • COVID-19 & the Japanese Economy

  • AI, Machine Learning, Automation, Society 5.0

  • Hard Skills you Need to Learn Yesterday

  • Soft Skills and the True Meaning of Customer Service

  • Q&A


About the Speaker

Evan Burkosky, Country Manager at Dynamic Yield


Japan Country Manager at Dynamic Yield

Evan is an expert in market entry and digital transformation, helping Japan improve service-sector productivity through AI-driven experience optimization with Dynamic Yield

Leveraging his 15+ years of experience in this market, his focus has been on helping Japanese society through innovations in sectors such as AI, Machine Learning and Automation. 

His passions include mentoring and advising startups, traveling, surfing, surfboard shaping, and ocean sailing. In his spare time and drawing on his  eCommerce experience,  he has  been advising on a passion side project which you can check out at Neptuno Surfboards



Dynamic Yield helps enterprise brands quickly deliver and test personalized, optimized and synchronized digital customer experiences.

As Country Manager, Evan is proud to help bring this technology to the Japanese market where AI is essential in revitalizing the Services sector, especially eCommerce, and increasing productivity in the face of a declining population.

With Dynamic Yield, Japanese customers are able to bring Japan's internationally renowned "Omotenashi" customer service online, improving the digital customer experience (CX).


More Videos with Evan

We have met Evan prior to our webinar for an in-depth interview to talk about his career, Dynamic Yield and his insights into personalization. Here are 2 of our recent videos.

In the left video Evan talks about how to recreate the personalized customer experience of visiting your neighborhood market, tailor, or restaurant in the digital space.

In the right video he  takes a historical perspective on the Kaizen process and how we can apply that to building the perfect product in the world of intangibles.

Anju Kajihara