4 Reasons Why You Should Use a Recruitment Agency to Find Your Next Job

We all know the recruitment industry has a very negative image. The first thing that comes to mind are commission driven recruiters who would tell you anything to change your job or sign an offer letter. The whole industry can be very transactional.

And yes, a lot of that is true.

However, if you choose your recruiter wisely and find someone you can really trust, they can be immensely valuable for your next career step.

I went through our customer feedback from placed candidates to find out which aspect of working with a recruiter had the most value to them. I broke it down into 4 points backed by real customer feedback. 

1. Salary Negotiations

higher salary

“Bryan (my recruiter for Paidy) was very helpful and quick in all communications. He got me the best deal with Paidy and made my job change easier.”

“Timely catch up and strong negotiation skill set of my consultant.”

“Happily I could have a contract with a higher salary than I expected.”

“He stayed up on a late call in order to think of the salary negotiation strategy. I would recommend him to any of my friends, as he got me a better deal than what I could find on my own.”

This point came up the most and rightfully so. Most candidates expect a salary increase when changing jobs. Compensation is one of the most important aspects to consider when changing a job. Salary doesn’t just mean the annual base salary but also includes performance based bonus structures, sign on bonuses, stock options, allowances like rent and more. 

These negotiations can be awkward, how hard should you push back? Will your new company feel that you are ungrateful or too confident? However, recruiters are in the best position to negotiate your salary because they know both sides. They know your background and experience, how much that skill set is currently in demand, and thus understand the range that is realistic. They also know the client’s budget ,salary hierarchy, and what other companies would offer comparatively. 

Last but not least, since the recruiter’s fee is based on the candidate’s compensation package, it is in the recruiter’s best interest to get the candidate the highest possible salary.

You can read more about how recruiters can help you with salary negotiations here.

2. Process Assistance

Support your Growth

“The speed of action & arrangement is fast. My agent managed to finish all the processes in such a short time which is super helpful.”

“I liked how I was well accompanied the whole way. Anjelika made me gain confidence in order to succeed in the interviews. She always responded very quickly and the whole process was very smooth.”

“Jordan was extremely supportive in both the practical and emotional support during the recruitment process.” 

Recruiters take care of the whole hiring process to make the job change as comfortable as possible. They go back and forth with all the companies you want to apply for. They will format and submit your CV, schedule interviews, and handle all the legal and administrative details in the offer stage.

Interview preparation is another factor that is highly valued. A good recruiter knows what the client is looking for and shares that information with the candidate. They will sit together with you (physically or digitally) and explain everything you need to know to maximize your chances of passing. The recruiter knows who will interview you and what each interviewer values, so you can prepare accordingly.

Then there is the emotional support. A job change can be a very stressful time. Things might not go well for a time and you might lose your confidence. Or maybe you just messed up your last interview. It’s good to have someone to talk to who knows these situations and how to dig yourself out of that hole.

If you want to know more about how recruiters can assist you during the interview process, read Ben’s article about how to gain an edge in the interview process.

3. A Good Network of Companies

Good Network

“Has the connection to great opportunities at great companies.”

“You provided a list of companies which ordinary recruiting companies do not provide.”

“I was presented with a number of good opportunities that met my aspirations in terms of both salary and career development.”

Every good recruiter has a vast network of clients they are working with. And every recruiter should have a specific focus area in industry and job function. 

Here at Wahl+Case, as a company we only work with clients in the tech industry. And then we have different teams that focus on specific industries like B2C, B2B, FinTech or AdTech. This ensures that every consultant is an expert in their field and really knows the key players in their industry. 

Recruiters have good relationships with clients and always know what kind of talent the clients want. So even if the client is not actively hiring right now, a good recruiter would still introduce you if you were the right fit. The right talent is a scarce resource and no one wants to waste any opportunities. Oftentimes clients open up or create a new job after they are introduced to a really good candidate.

For a more in depth view, discover 3 benefits of having good relationships in recruitment.

4. Market Info and Unique Job Opportunities

Unique Opportunities

“Since I didn't know much about Japan's company, there are a lot of questions that I'd ask, and I would get an honest answer to help me decide.”

“Enthusiastically supportive agents and unique job opportunities.”

A good recruiter knows the market he is recruiting for. He knows what jobs are currently in demand and which companies are hiring. Even if you are not actively looking for a new job, it’s always good to connect with your recruiter to talk about general trends and mid to long-term career moves as well.

Another point is that a lot of companies don’t publish all their job postings. So if you go through a recruiter you will have access to jobs that are in the so-called Hidden Job Market

Usually your recruiter knows a handful of companies that you are not familiar with. Maybe there is a great opportunity at a startup you haven’t even heard of yet. Here at Wahl+Case we work with a lot of foreign startups that are planning to enter the Japanese market. We have placed the first Japanese hire in a few well known companies like Uber or Blippar among others.

You can find more details on how recruiters can give you more market information and unique job opportunities here.


You can see there are many good reasons to work with a recruiter. A recruiter can usually negotiate a higher salary than you could yourself. He will also take care of all the processes and take as much work off your plate as possible, so that you can really focus on preparing for the interviews. A recruiter’s biggest asset is his relationships with clients and he will leverage this to provide you with the most suitable opportunities. Finally, recruiters have deep market insights to share with you so you can keep up to date with the latest developments, trends and openings.

However, as mentioned in the beginning of this article, you have to choose your recruiter carefully, because there are a lot of purely transactional ones out there. You should build a relationship of mutual trust with your recruiter. This way a recruiter will be a big help to find you your next job.

Author: Anju Kajihara

Anju Kajihara
Team Leader | Marketing
